Date Calculator

What is a date calculator?

A date calculator is a device used to calculate the number of days between two dates and the date when a certain date is added or subtracted from the number of days. With our calculator, you can do it easily.

How to use it?

If what you need to calculate is the number of days between two dates, you just need to select the start date and the end date, then click the Calculate Days button and you will get the number of days between the two dates.

If you need to calculate the number of days after adding or subtracting days from a date, you just need to select a date and enter the number of days, the number of days can also be negative (subtracting days) and then click on the Calculate Days button, you will get a new date.

What is the purpose of Date Calculator?

Calculate the duration of a project or how many days are left until an important event.

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